Magictape car Posted in February 14th, 2010 By asciiart Filed under: 11-20 Line, 401-800 Char, Character, Line Tags: Car, MagicTape, Syoboon Though was I woman, Countach of the boyfriend was magic tape type; want to die. .                           /^`''-..,                           //  /`〉゙'.,                          //  / / ;;::|                         //  / / ;;:::/                        ヤ,\/ / ;;::/  ミ                         ヤ, V/ ;;::/ ミ crump                ,... -―――――ヤ, //7::/  __             ,,..-''"(´・ω・`)     ヤ,/_;;:::/ヽ、\皿#,,\       ,,.. - ''"゙゙;>ー―---――;=''''"゛゛⌒ヽ, ̄ィ7  /〉  ''´ ̄`i    ,,. '"  ,,. '"        /    /   ヽェソ 乃▲ /,r'⌒!'  Is it magic tape type?  ∠二フ/___,___/∠二フ/  r'⌒ヽヽ_/´   // ∩ i    lヽ,,lヽ 〔`゙`ー―――――――――'''''"゙´   ノ/ ∩ |   ̄__!/ノ ∪ノ   (    )  〉同〉―― [二二] ―――j同>=:;つ_ノ ∪ノ/ ̄   `ー―''´    と   i   ̄ ̄ー― ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  `ー―''´               しーJ