Maro Sword Posted in December 22nd, 2014 By asciiart Filed under: 11-20 Line, Character, Line Tags: Maro, Sword    `、               `、                            \     ヽ             __`                             \      ヽ、   ___,.,-''" ̄丶、::::::\   /'"二ヽ二二二二二二`゙ -、:::::`丶、\                  We're agents of the emperor,     ̄ヽ=======-'´シ丶、:::::::`:`\_______       agents of divine punishment in 2ch.       |   |:::  |うl;;;ミミ、  ``丶 、::::::::,: - ''"´  リ;;;;;;f-` ̄ ̄ ̄丶       |   |:::  |l l;;;;;ッ=`   (三> `^´ (三シ  ム;;;;;;ソl}      /       |   |:::  | !;;;リ    _,,...,,_     _,,..,,_    l;;;//     / Our mission is to continue to       |   |:::  |゙l ヾ;l  :'ィテ画ンミ ./`i,: ',シ像ン、  l;//     /   talk you into uploading pics       |   |:::  | `ーll!   `''==ヲ'.| |l:.:^''==彡'" ,!リノ    /     until this thread has finished. ____|   |::  |___ll____ ,/| |`、` '' "  ,i;;l  /⌒"´⌒"´⌒~´⌒\       |   |::  |        ...:::|| | | |----------/            `、----------- .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:|   |::  |.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:|| | | |\  /  \|              〈 \  / \  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   |   |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| | | |   X    |              〉  X ____|   |   |_______|| | | ( ̄ ̄ ̄一イ               | /  \ /       |   |   | , ィ/:.:い ヽ `` ` | |,/ `一-、                ,| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       |   |   |  /:.:.:.:ヽヽ `' ー‐ | | "//:.:\              |       |   |   |{ ヾ:.:.:.:.ヽ丶   `、///:.:.:.:.:, -'\           /       |   |   |丶、 `` ーゝ、ヽ.,_,,ィ"ェくユ- ''" , ィ"|          |