Hatoyama Yaruo and Jean Pierre Polnareff Posted in June 22nd, 2010 By asciiart Filed under: Character, Line, Over 21 Line Tags: Flower, Hatoyama Yaruo, Jean Pierre Polnareff     Open!   /|     (⌒Y⌒) /  |ミ   (⌒*☆*⌒) |   | ミ`Y⌒(__人__)~) \  |(⌒*☆*⌒).*☆*⌒)  If it is a flower, it has already prepared it.   \|__(__人__)~(__人__)~     i /   ⌒  ⌒ ヽ )     !゙   (・ )` ´( ・) i/     |     (__人_)  |    \    `ー'  /     /       ヽ                  bababa!           (⌒Y⌒(⌒Y⌒)          (⌒*☆(⌒*☆*⌒)          (⌒Y⌒) ☆_,(⌒Y⌒)           (⌒Y⌒)(⌒*☆*⌒)           (⌒*☆*⌒)(__人__)ヾ             (.___,,,... -ァァフ|              |i i|    }! }:} //|  It is … Though it is not thought             |l、{   j} /,,ィ//|   that what you say is understood.            i|:!ヾ、_ノ/ u {:}//ヘ    What is done I got has not been understood.            |リ u' }  ,ノ _,!V,ハ |           /´fト、_{ル{,ィ'eラ , タ人         /'   ヾ|宀| {´,)⌒`/ |<ヽトiゝ        ,゙  / )ヽ iLレ  u' | | ヾlトハ〉         |/_/  ハ !ニ⊇ '/:}  V:::::ヽ        // 二二二7'T'' /u' __ /:::::::/`ヽ