The hope of which it rots away doesn’t return to the origin. Posted in June 8th, 2010 By asciiart Filed under: 11-20 Line, Character, Line Tags: Doraemon, Group, Kannagi, Nagi, Nobita, Syoboon, Yaranaio, Yaruo                        Transmigration of the soul of silence         . '   _ 二二 _ .、       /    /´ -‐…‐- .`\     A surrounding loser rots away in the star.      /     /´    i   !`ヽト、   ,ヘ  ,'   i    !  !  | |i  |ハ i ヽ          The hope of which it rots away  /  ゝ!  ノ|  ! !::__!::ノ ´  ̄  i::.i |! ̄ ̄\  \  .| .:i i :i i |´   一  ー  `!、ハ:! _ノ   \        doesn't return to the origin.   `ヽi  从 i i | ニニミ    .ニニ !:::::| ( ●)(●)         _______     |  YハiハN  {r::リ`  ´{r::リ '::::N   (__人__) _____/    ,- ,-\ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\     |  ヽゝ   ´´     ``ハ!`    ` ⌒´ノ´       \    |  ・|・ | ヽ_____ヽ     |∧   ?!         ′ ,':::||         }   ─''  `ー\/ `-●-' \ヽ , ─ 、 , ─ |     j/∧  _!::} 、   ⊂' ..イ:::::|ヽ        }   (●) (●) \ ― | ──ヽ|   ・|・   |     ///∧´ ∨  `  ,.... ィ´゙Y:::::| ヽ、.,__ __ノ     (__人__)   |.― | ── .|`─ 'っ - ´|    /////∧ ヽ    {ト、∧ |::::::!:::\ー-..,ノ,、.゙,i 、     ` ⌒´   /    | ── |.____) /    ,< ̄ ̄∧  } `ヽ  >''} { ̄`ヽ::;、>、_ l|||||゙!:゙、-、_ ___ ーーノ゙-、. __|__) / ___/ ⌒ヽ   /   `ヽ:::::::::Y´ヽ      i´`∨::::∧:::::\゙'' ゙||i l\>::::゙'ー、 __ ノ.| ヽ i       /l \/\| \*´ω`)  /      ∨:::::| .:: !       i .:.: !::::/ i:::::::\ .||||i|::::ヽ::::::|:::! )\,|  i .|━(t)━━.l |      | |   /´・ ω ・`)