That’ll be the day Posted in August 4th, 2012 By asciiart Filed under: 11-20 Line, 1601-3200 Char, Character, Line Tags: Feed, That'll be the day                                       _______                    , 'i´ヽ  ゙i'、           /                    i:::ヽ,:l__,l,.ノi          |                    |::::ヾ,| ∟!|ソ:|         i  That'll be                    |::::ヾ,|.:':|ソ:|      ー='、                    |::::ヾ,|.:':|ソ:|         |     the day             __ノ''゙゙´\|::::ヾ,|::  :|ソ:|./\__      |             `ヽ、 0 ./ ト、_::::|::  :|;イ!`!) `ヽ-,   \_          _,ィ-‐=´ ヽ. 〈  ヽ  ̄ ̄ _/  /´`'ヽ、     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    ----──--     /  \‐-、 ,r‐''´./ /     \   --──ー--/`i─--   ̄ ̄ヽヽ ヽ  ノ ヽ       \   /ヽ__   / ./!    /ヽ   ヽ\ / /´      fi   i  ./!ヽ!__ / ! |   .// /      V  '        |i!  l -チ/ fヽ二=/ / i ̄ // /-、     |         ..::!'   `ヽ .┼=| i-- (( ⌒! /´、 ( ./ ̄::....  /        ..::::::/ /   ヽ  .!  ヽ )  〈 '' !,ヽ、!  |/     ヽ ......    ::::::::ノ::/  .ヽ、  (  /   ij ヽ  i'  ....:::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::..........::::::ィ'/:.. 二二=====── |  〈..:::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::::ノ\::::....   )vナ ( ヽ、_ノ`'ヲ‐'' ) ::::::::::::::::_,,,./:::''     / ヽ`''':::::..   ヽ〈 〉:::::     /、  |:::,,::--‐'´ i /      ノ  /´ヽ::::::