Carp streamer 5/6 Posted in May 5th, 2010 By asciiart Filed under: Character, Line, Over 21 Line Tags: Carp streamer, Children's Day, Scenery 5/6                   .◎                        ||<()三三三三三三                ⊂ニニ||ニ⊃                        ||                        ||           ⊂ニニニニ⊃   ||                        ||    ⊂ニニニニ⊃ 二二二l二二l             ||      |::::::::|              ||      |::::::::|───────||──────────────────  ̄ ̄l: |::::::::|] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]..]..||] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]     l: |::::::::|───────||──────────────────     l: |::::::/   0 l: |:::/                      ∧_∧     l: |/                      (・д・ )  ̄ ̄ ̄                      (つ   ))            ∧,,,,,∧       ∧∧     ヽ0⌒'0            (   ;)     (;  )    _∧______________            (     )    ⊂  つ  /            |  |   |      |  )~  | 2 was ..carp streamer that seemed            (_(__)     し`J   | to be delicious.. ..bite.. overeating etc.            _∧____∧__  | when encountering and looking up into           /                .| the sky .., section chief.. a little while ago.           |     ・・・・・・。       |        It is already a full stomach ….           \_________  \________________